Dyfedd the Bardd

Below is my fifth book titled ‘Kisses in the Wind’ by David Davies. Though it is aimed for children it can and is for all ages, which this book makes a great gift. It can be bought from amazon. Thank you for supporting me.

Below is my fourth book ‘The Sword of Sorrow’ and can be bought from Amazon.

Above are the two publications of my books, which can be bought from the links below

Above is my third book, which can be bought from the link below

above Podcast of the book The Romantic Landscape

A Written Voice

My writing started gradually; but I have early memories from primary school of drawing and then writing about what I drew, which exercised my imagination. Moreover, during high school, the teacher in fourth year covered a bit on poetry during one class, I wrote something I was very pleased with and to this day I cannot find where it went to.

I also remember doing my GCSE English at Castlereagh College; My teacher was teaching about poetry. I must say I had liked poetry previous; but during class I said to the teacher “That I did not like poetry!”, but rightly she said “do I like music?”, “Of Course!” I quickly replied. She said “the words to music is poetry”. From that moment my attitude to poetry changed.

Through my teens I started with various verses and songs and slowly I found it was away to release stress; but over a period of time I have come to love writing. Music is one of my biggest influences within my work.


(Dyslexic people can write
The corner stone of creative writing is the imagination)

Oh art, where art thou
Explicit with colour
I am free to create and express
Some sort of feeling or emotion.

Tis; but therapy, it is not about being good;
But the process, playing and learning,
It can be about form or colour
Surely, the tips of the waves are shapes
Buildings are an excuse for squares and rectangles.

Perhaps, material and texture,
To tickle the senses

Was it not Jackson Pollock hinted in his title ‘summer time’
Paul Klee with perception of nature
Is it not compassion, or
To bring design to the viewer
How about to provoke the imagination
To say something that is on your mind.

Text art, stencilling to spray or flick a brush
Never tell it to hush;
But louder I can speak through the art work I do.


My work is about romantic gestures, sentiment and landscape, which is important to me. It is also about the ups and downs of life, the normal everyday hum-drum; and how I have interacted with certain situations. They incorporate modern day issues such as, Loneliness and isolation; losing loved ones, mental health problems.

Fantasy has been a new fad, looking at old folk tale characters such as gnomes, fairies, nymphs (Tree, flower and river, which originated from Greek & Roman Mythology), Mother nature is of course my biggest love and wrestle with the friction between technology and nature. Another of my biggest influences is perhaps the Bible, which I marvel at; this gives me access to hint upon God, and my anger at him for this pain and confusion in a world that gives no answers.

Colour is something I am always trying to explore; but trying to get a balance of colour is tricky. Some colours are hard to use, pink being the most obvious, particular the taboo for men to like, wear and use pink. And the debate about the branding of women in the fashion industry, which has led me to write about the sex war; but in a way that address the power a man and woman have when together.

Environmental issues are something that creeps into my work time and time again, I suppose it is the sadness to the extent of the damage we have done to mother nature. I often describe a woman’s body through the landscapes of nature, because of the nurturing aspect that we receive through nature. I never really did understand the world and its self destructive nature, and having a voice is very important to try and provoke action. When reading back my work, I get some sort of reasoning for my emotions, which helps me through this life.

Technology has triggered my hypocritical views.  My desire for a romantic landscape without technology so, that I can just roam the land in the beauty of her who keeps me in her keep; but then my over enjoyment of technology and my ignorance about my waste, not just recycling (as I do my best in this area); but more to do with leaving lights on, the waste of water and remembering to bring bags with me when shopping; also petrol, and the cost of lives and war just to bring it to our garages.

Having a restoration back ground, I feel strongly for retaining the furniture we have, and of course the heritage of antique furniture. Thus, the love of wood and furniture leeks into my writing also with a strong respect for trees and there extensive use and materials that it provides from day to day.

“In Portugal, wherever there are parks or open spaces, there is this inscription
Ye who would pass by and raise your hand against me, hearken ere you harm me.

I am the heat of your hearth on cold winter nights, the friendly shade screening you from the summer sun; and my fruits are refreshing draughts quenching your thirst as you journey on.
I am the beam that holds your house, the board of your table, the bed on which you lie, and the timber that builds your boat.
I am the handle of your hoe, the door of your homestead, the wood of your cradle and the shell of your coffin.
I am the gift of God and friend of man.
Ye who pass by, listen to my prayer – HARM ME NOT.”

Above exstract taken from ‘1 Planted Trees’ by Richard St. Barbe Baker

My style of writing has changed over the years on little things that I have picked up along the way, like the writing group, which has given me great insight to playful; yet learning the many lateral layers of writing. I learnt a lot from the Hull School of Art & Design and through people showing and sharing with me various ideas etc.

My writing has led me on to perform my work at events and open mics, like the ‘Mixed Jam’ and ‘Purely Poetry’ at the arts crescent Centre, Belfast. I have had two book launches, both on world poetry day, which was organised by a Liberian that helps to run the writing group, which I attend once a week in the Belfast central library.

Below are some photographs of me reading at various events and open mics.

I have been influenced by modern and traditional styles of writers, these are just a few:

Gaston Bachelard
Fay Inchfawn
Georges Perc
Robert Burns
Sylvia Plath
John Clare
William Barnes
Dylan Thomas
R.M. Rilka
Carl-Ann Duffy
John Hewitt
Patrick Mcguill
Edger Allan Poe
A. A. Milne
Roald Dahl
Pam Ayres

Some of my favourite artists:

Edward Hopper
Patrick Caulfield
Paul Klee
Edouard Manet
Claude Monet
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Alfred Sisley
Georges Seurat
Michael Raedecker
Joseph Mallord William Turner
William Waterhouse
William Morris
Banksy, street artist
Mrs Delany
Ansel Adams